B2B Start-up Package ($1000)

This package worth $1000 for B2B start-ups not only adds substantial value to the start-ups but also reinforces Jetaa7’s commitment to supporting emerging businesses through meaningful CSR initiatives. The offer is a mix of high-value services that can effectively enhance their market presence and generate leads. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this package includes:

1. Content Creation (USD 300)

We develop high-quality content tailored to the start-up’s target audience to attract and engage potential leads.

Blog Post: One professionally written blog post (800-1000 words) on a relevant industry topic.
Whitepaper: One concise whitepaper (1500-2000 words) highlighting a key industry challenge and the start-up’s solution.
Infographic: One custom-designed infographic to visually represent data or concepts from the whitepaper.

2. Content Syndication (USD 400)

We distribute the created content across multiple channels to maximize reach and visibility.

Platform Distribution: Syndicate content on 5-7 high-traffic industry-specific websites and platforms.
Social Media Promotion: Share content through Jetaa7’s social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook).
Email Marketing: Include content in a dedicated email blast to Jetaa7’s subscriber list, targeting industry-specific segments.

3. Lead Generation Campaign (USD 300)

Implement a targeted lead generation campaign to capture and nurture leads from the syndicated content.

Landing Page Creation: Design and develop a high-converting landing page to capture leads from content downloads.
Lead Magnet: Offer the whitepaper and infographic as downloadable lead magnets to incentivize lead capture.
Email Drip Campaign: Set up an email drip campaign to nurture captured leads, including 3-4 follow-up emails with valuable content and calls to action.
Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Implement a basic lead scoring and  egmentation system to prioritize and manage leads effectively.

Package Implementation Timeline

Content Creation
Content Syndication
Lead Generation Campaign

Additional Value-Added Services

Consultation and Support

Strategy Consultation: One-hour consultation to discuss the start-up’s content and lead generation strategy.
Performance Review: A follow-up meeting to review campaign performance and provide recommendations for future improvements.